'BIO105 Fundamentals of Environmental Studies’ is a multidisciplinary course targeted towards entry level undergraduates across disciplines. This course aspires to stimulate such understanding in students by looking at the environment from various perspectives, biological understanding of natural environmental processes, engineering knowledge to resolve environmental issues within a constructed environment, social science perspective to understand human-nature interactions, and insights into management policies to better protect the planet earth. This course is co-taught with faculty members from diverse disciplinary backgrounds, anthropology, heritage manaagement, chemical engineering and climate sciences.

'BIO506 Ecology: Fundamental Concepts and Applications' is an advanced level core course for integrated Masters in Life Sciences programme. This course teaches the fundamental concepts of ecology, including principles of autecology and synecology, population ecology, spatial ecology. The course discusses empirical studies on applying ecological principles to the field of conservation biology, ecophysiology, behavioral ecology, and new emerging fields including ecoinformatics and interdisciplinary fields, for example, socioecology.

'BIO553 Animal Behaviour' provides an introduction to the complexities of animal behaviour, and how it is studied. This is a project-based course, where students explore various behaviours of animals, for example, how they find food, how they avoid predators, how they choose their mates, and rear their offspring, etc. This course is aimed at anyone looking to broaden their understanding of animal behaviour beyond nature documentaries or a typical high school education.

I am also involved in co-teaching the foundation studios, which are inter-disciplinary courses for first year undergraduates.